Village Decoration Ltd. has the in-house capabilities to design, layout, typeset, resize or color separate your custom artwork. With our prepress and darkroom capabilities to produce films and printing plates, we can save you time with fast turnarounds. We can also work with you to design and fit you ideas onto your products. Email proofs are provided to assure quality prior to printing.
Artwork Specifications
Art being sent to Village Decoration Ltd. should follow the these specs. Art can be proofed via email.
Program Versions:
Adobe Illustrator CC or lower
Adobe Photoshop CC or lower
Vector Art Formats for all printing processes:
Bitmap Art Format for Vector conversion or Sublimation:
Blue Prints:
Film processing for your process
PDF - Please prep file for run, We do not edit your files. 100%K Outline fonts, Max size 29x39
Fonts should be converted to outlines within the art layout. Or: PC Fonts can accompany artwork to insure proper layout.
Media Transfer:
When providing your artwork to us, we use the following methods.
Smaller files 15mb or less
Email files to:
Larger files 16mb and up
Email us your FTP Link:
Mail or Drop off: Flash Drive or CD
Vector vs. Bit Map
Vector Images - Used for Spot Color
Vector graphics (or line art) are a resolution-independent, scalable format composed of individual objects made up of mathematical calculations. In other words Vector images can be resized easily without loss of quality making them an ideal format for initial design of logos and illustrations that to be used at multiple sizes. When resizing, the edges of the artwork will remain smooth and crisp. With Vector you are able to print different elements in different spot colors. See the detailed example to the right.
Bitmap Images - Used for Process Color
Bitmap (or raster images) are a type of graphic composed of pixels (picture element) in a grid. Each pixel or "bit" contains color information for the image. Bitmap graphics formats have a fixed resolution which means that resizing a bitmap graphic can result in distortion and jagged edges otherwise known as stair casing. See the detailed example to the right.